Smithfield Elementary Nominated for a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools Award


Smithfield Elementary is Nominated for a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase SchoolsTM Award


Smithfield Elementary has been nominated for a Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase SchoolsTM award for the 20172018 school year by the Flippen Group. Two years ago, Smithfield’s administrators began an initiative to transform the campus into an emotionally safe and relationally connected place for students, staff, and parents to come together with a love for learning.

After researching programs used by many of the nation’s most successful schools, Smithfield chose to join hands with the Flippen Group to bring Capturing Kids’ Hearts® to its campus. Teachers and staff have continued to learn the processes needed to connect students with their peers and adults on campus and to create classrooms where students are excited to learn every day. As a result of implementing Capturing Kids’ Hearts, the school has experienced incredible results. 

Over the next several months, a Flippen Group site team will visit Smithfield Elementary to observe the progress taking place and decide whether the campus qualifies to become a recipient of this year’s Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards.

Since 1990, campuses across the country have experienced amazing outcomes with Capturing Kids’ Hearts® tools and processes, creating the socio-emotional safety conducive to learning. Flippen Group provides educators the skills they need to change the trajectory of students’ lives. Openness replaces defensiveness. Judging and feelings of being judged are replaced with acceptance and real connectedness to the school. “Discipline problems nearly non-existent,” and “Academic achievement constantly improving,” are common feedback following Capturing Kids’ Hearts implementation.

Through the National Showcase Schools awards, Flippen Group seeks to recognize and celebrate schools that go the extra mile each day, building an environment where students and staff feel safe and connected. Flippen Group believes the unsung heroes who produce exemplary outcomes in schools and pave the way for other schools to follow need and deserve recognition for a job well done.

Capturing Kids’ Hearts campuses across the country are considered for this award based on the following criteria: 1) nomination based on observation, 2) level of implementation of Capturing Kids’ Hearts processes by all staff as measured by online surveys, and 3) data demonstrating that Capturing Kids’ Hearts has made a significant improvement in attendance, discipline, climate/culture, or academics.

Since the nomination period is now closed, Flippen Group teams will begin conducting site visits to nominated campuses to gather additional quantitative and qualitative data and interview students, teachers, administrators, and parents. They will compile a matrix of key measurements from the campus observation. Finally, they will conduct an additional survey to collect feedback regarding the perceived climate and culture of the campus and its conduciveness to learning. Following the site visit, the selection team will review all accumulated data and select the campuses to be this year’s recipients of the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards.

The Flippen Group is proud to recognize the outstanding individuals who have dedicated themselves to making a difference in the lives of our children. As they identify these outstanding schools, campus leaders, and teachers each year, please join in celebrating some of the most skilled and effective educators in the country!

For more information about the Capturing Kids’ Hearts National Showcase Schools awards, contact:

Tanya Peterson

Flippen Group

Office Phone: 1-800-316-4311

Office Fax: 1-877-941-4700

Birdville ISD: Raising Blended Learners

Birdville ISD began the 201617 school year with its Raising Blended Learners year-one pilot in ninth-grade English Language Arts and Reading, across the District’s three traditional high schools. Birdville is part of the Raising Blended Learners demonstration initiative showcasing strategies for using blended learning to improve student achievement across diverse student demographics and geographic regions in the state.

RHS Head Football Coach to Fly With Blue Angels

Congratulations Ged Kates, Richland High School head football coach, on being chosen as one of the two “Hometown Hero” Key Influencers to ride with the U.S. Navy Blue Angels – planned for Wednesday, Oct. 25. 



2017 Bell Helicopter Fort Worth Alliance Air Show

U.S. Navy Blue Angels Flight Demonstration Squadron 




Coach Ged Kates is in his 19th year in coaching and teaching. He is a proud Richland Alum. He came to home to RHS after completing two years as the Head Football Coach at Fort Worth Arlington Heights High School. 


He has spent time coaching at Grand Prairie High School, Euless Trinity High, and Richland High School. Coach Kates is a graduate of Texas A&M University, and earned his Master of Education from Texas Woman’s University. 


He has been married to Melissa, an attorney, for 16 years and they are proud parents of three sons. Drew is 10, Brett is 8, and Clay is 6. He sees coaching as a calling, and helping young people grow in character, in the classroom, and athletically. Over the years he has mentored young men that have contributed to society in all occupations and community involvement. He has coached men that are now physicians, attorneys, business owners, community leaders in school districts and at the city level, and most importantly, good husbands and fathers. 


In 2016, Richland football set a school record with 10 victories, and won its first playoff victory since 1984. While this is noteworthy, it is only a small part of the football program. Richland Football gives back to the community by adopting families at Christmas, providing scholarships for outgoing athletes to further their education, and hosted a SafeHaven event for abused women and children. Currently, they are planning on visiting Cook Children’s Hospital to spread holiday cheer to those that are fighting illness. 


Ged Kates is honored and humbled to be nominated for the possibility of flying with this great organization. 

Richland High’s 2017 Distinguished Alumnus is 1991 graduate, Ron White

Rom White Picture


Richland High School is proud to announce their 2017 Distinguished Alumnus is 1991 graduate, Ron White. He has served our country in the Navy Reserves, and he is now a professional speaker that has memorized all the service men’s names that died in Afghanistan. Mr. White raises money for the widows and families of those men and women that gave their lives in Afghanistan. He travels all over the country and writes from memory the names of all 2,300 soldiers in the order they died on memorial walls. View the video about Ronnie White

Thank you BISD Council of PTAs Supply Depot!

During the 2016-17 school year, the Birdville Council of PTAs Supply Depot provided more than $40,000 worth of school supplies and backpacks to 2,146 BISD students.


During the 201617 school year, the Birdville Council of PTAs Supply Depot provided more than $40,000 worth of school supplies and backpacks to 2,146 BISD students.

This was made possible through the generous donations of BISD employees and community members, fantastic volunteers, and supportive campus PTAs and principals. 
