BISD is currently accepting referrals for kindergarten and first grade students who would like to be screened for GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) services. BISD gathers multiple measures during the screening process that include standardized testing and input on observed gifted behaviors from parents and classroom teachers. Additional data may be collected and considered for individual students as requested by the GATE Placement Committee. Screening will be conducted during the months of February–March 2021. If your child is receiving face-to-face instruction on campus during that time, then he/she will complete the screening process at school. If your child is learning remotely during that time, you will be contacted by the GATE Department to make an appointment to come to a designated location for screening during the month of February.
To refer your child for screening for GATE services, complete the online GATE Parent Referral/Rating Form by Friday, January 29, 2021. This form is located at https://www.birdvilleschools.net/Page/55391. The form can be completed on any electronic device with internet access.