BISD Celebrates Teachers May 4–8
“Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care.”—Horace Mann
Birdville ISD is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week May 4–8. Though the school buildings are closed, teaching continues. In addition to reading, writing and arithmetic, we are teaching and learning about quarantines, social distancing, handwashing while singing the ABCs, masks, and so much more.
This week we want to say thank you, but because of COVID-19, we must do it from a distance this year.
BISD invites parents and students to share a message of appreciation for their child’s teacher(s) on social media using the hashtags #BISDteacherscan and #teacherscan.
With the District closed for the remainder of the school year, campuses are not able to accept and distribute gifts to teachers. However, if a family wishes to reach out to their child’s teacher(s) privately, they can email the teacher(s) directly.
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