PK-4/Kinder Bilingual & ESL Blended Summer School

Part 1Online
June 8 – July 16

PK–4 & Kinder Bilingual/ESL students will start their language and academic learning online from June 8 – July 16, 2020 (Monday through Thursday).

Students will meet with teachers online via Zoom for 30 minutes to receive personalized, small group instruction twice a week. Teachers will schedule these online meetings between 9:00–11:00 AM or
1:00–3:00 PM.

Students will continue their learning by completing instructional activities that extend from their online learning time with the teacher.

Part 2At Home Enrichment*
July 20 – August 7

PK–4 & Kinder Bilingual/ESL students will continue their language and academic enrichment at home from July 20 – August 7, 2020 (Monday through Friday).

Students will receive printed materials that will provide learning opportunities at home.

*Upon completion of Part 2: At Home Enrichment, students will receive a certificate of completion and reward!

Please follow the link below to register your child:  REGISTRATION FORM (Registration closes on June 3, 2020)

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