Notes from Dr. Brown: Fall 2020 – What is happening with school?

Since early March, we all have been making changes in every aspect of our lives because of COVID-19. Spring and summer events were canceled or transitioned to virtual functions. Social distancing is on everyone’s mind. Should I wear a mask or not? Our lives have changed.

Birdville ISD is working hard to develop plans for the reopening of schools for the 2020–21 school year. There are many components involved in each of the scenarios being discussed. Campus and classroom operations, transportation, meal service, visitors and mentors, shared access points, etc. all represent the tip of the iceberg.

Though BISD is waiting for the Texas Education Agency and health department officials to provide more direction, we are looking at multiple options for reopening schools. Each option being considered will be built on the foundation of student and staff safety. However, we hope by Aug. 17 that the return to school looks more normal, and everyone is back in a classroom.

As soon as we have more information, the details of the plan will be finalized and shared with the BISD family. Until then, know that we are hard at work and look forward to getting all of our students and staff back in school.

Darrell G. Brown, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Birdville ISD

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