Meals for Students [Update Aug. 14, 2020]

Due to the constantly evolving situation with COVID-19, and the regularly changing guidance from state education and health officials, BISD’s Plan will be reviewed and updated as needed to reflect new requirements from the CDC; federal, state, or county orders; or the Texas Education Agency.  

[Updated Aug. 14, 2020] During the school year, BISD will serve meals to school-aged students enrolled in the District. The cost of the meals for both face-to-face and online learning students will be determined by a student’s eligibility based on Free, Reduced, or Paid.  

(All students may participate in curbside pickup from Aug. 24 to Sept. 4. Beginning Sept. 8, curbside pickup is only available for students enrolled in online learning.) 

Online Learning Students 

  • Meals will be available for curbside pickup by parents/legal guardians/students on weekdays from 11 a.m. to noon.  
  • For families with multiple students who attend different campuses, (e.g., one student at a middle school and one student at a high school), meals for all students in the family may be picked up at a campus attended by at least one student in the family.  
  • The individual picking up the meal(s) will have the option of picking up lunch, breakfast, or both. (Students will not be allowed to eat their meal(s) on campus.)  

Those who qualify for reduced or paid meals may pay with cash, but we recommend putting money into your student’s meal account via  

Face-to-face Learning Students 

  • Meals will be served on disposable trays along with plasticware. 
  • Appropriate social distancing will be followed as much as is possible in the serving lines and while eating. 

Note: Meals are only available for students enrolled in Birdville ISD and will not be served when the District is closed for holidays. 

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