In support of all BISD staff and the continued exemplary work done during this school year, BISD’s Board of Trustees unanimously voted on Thursday, April 28, to award an average pay raise of three percent at the midpoint for all staff along with select market pay adjustments. The raise and adjustments represents more than $6.44 million.
For teachers working 187 days, this is an annual increase of $1,875, with the starting salary for a first-year teacher with no experience of $58,600. The teacher hiring scale also includes market adjustments for various steps. In addition, the Board requested that the hiring scale be extended from 30 years of experience to 35 years of experience.
The Board approved a general compensation increase of three percent of the midpoint for each respective pay grade for all other employees. Also, due to hiring challenges, the Board approved selected adjustments to the Auxiliary pay scales. The total cost for these adjustments is estimated at $643,000.
“The Board recognizes the tremendous sacrifices and pressures our staff continue to be under since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Board President Joe Tolbert said. “By approving these raises, trustees are not only impacting next year’s income but also retirement income in the future years. The whole Board wants to say ‘Thank you’ for your service to the families of BISD.”