Notes from Dr. Darrell Brown, January 2015

January 2015






Happy New Year!

I am excited about all 2015 has to offer Birdville ISD. With the passage of the bond referendum in November 2014, there will be a lot of work taking place across the District in the next 36-48 months. The rebuilding of The Academy at West Birdville Elementary, Birdville Elementary and North Richland Middle School, updating outdated classroom technology and secondary science labs, renovating campuses and adding additional safety measures will require a great deal of coordination. Staff members are in the process of developing a master schedule to assist the District in making certain each component of the voter-approved bond is completed as committed to.

Beginning the work as promised …

  • In December, BISD’s Board of Trustees approved HKS, Inc. as the architectural firm to design the new building for The Academy at West Birdville Elementary. The design work began in December 2014 in order to complete construction of this campus in time for opening in the fall of 2016.
  • During January and February, the Board will interview architectural firms for the opportunity of designing and replacing Birdville Elementary and North Richland Middle School. Once a decision is made by the Board, it will be shared through the District’s normal communications channels.

In the coming weeks, BISD will be adding a bond update page to their website. This page will provide details on all aspects of the 2014 Bond.

It is the District’s goal to preserve the community’s valued trust by maintaining transparency throughout the entire process.

[tweetthis]It is the District’s goal to preserve the community’s valued trust by maintaining transparency throughout the entire process.[/tweetthis]

Foster Village Elementary Learning About Kindness



Foster Village Elementary students and staff are learning about “kindness” this six weeks. Each grade level has selected a “random act of kindness” to perform.


  • Kindergarten is supporting NRH Fire Station 4 with a toy drive and taking cocoa and cookies to our firemen.
  • First grade is supporting all the campus staff with treats and thank you cards.
  • Second grade is participating in Operation Gratitude to deployed troops with candy and cards.
  • Third grade is having a book drive for The Academy at West Birdville.
  • Fourth grade is taking cards and cookies to Brookdale and Horizon Bay senior centers as they visit and sing Christmas carols.
  • Fifth Grade is delivering food at the Community Enrichment Center of NRH to cars, singing carols and taking cocoa to workers.
  • The ASPIRE program is writing letters to Santa to support the Macy’s Make a Wish Foundation campaign.

Board approves architectural firm to design The Academy at West Birdville

At their regular December meeting, BISD’s Board of Trustees authorized the selection of HKS, Inc. as the architectural firm to design the replacement school for The Academy at West Birdville Elementary. In order to complete construction of the project in time for opening in the fall of 2016, the design work would begin in December 2014.

The rebuilding of The Academy at West Birdville Elementary is part of the bond referendum approved by voters on Nov. 4, 2014.

Trustees approve Francisco Elementary School principal


At their regular meeting, Birdville ISD’s Board of Trustees approved Marsha L. Perry as principal of W. T. Francisco Elementary School. She is replacing Jennifer Salyards, who was recently named principal at Chamberlin Elementary School in Stephenville.

Perry has been assistant principal at Walker Creek Elementary School since 2008. Prior to Walker Creek, she was also assistant principal at O.H. Stowe Elementary School from 2008-09; assistant principal at Walker Creek Elementary School from 2007-08; assistant principal at The Academy at C.F. Thomas from 2006-07; first-grade teacher at Hardeman Elementary from 2003-06; and second-grade teacher at Jack C. Binion Elementary School from 2000-03.

She earned her bachelor’s degree from North Texas University and master’s degree from Dallas Baptist University.