Electronic Communication Devices

Students may utilize their devices in the classroom when the teacher deems appropriate as an instructional tool for educational purposes. These devices include but are not to be limited to the following: cell phones, smart phones, iPhones, iPods and mp3 players.

Elementary students (K-5) are required to keep their devices turned off and stored away; they may only be utilized in the classroom when the teacher deems appropriate as an instructional tool for educational

Middle students (6-8) are required to keep their devices turned off and stored away; they may only be utilized in the classroom when the teacher deems appropriate as an instructional tool for educational purposes. The students may use cell phone devices during lunchtime within the timelines deemed appropriate by campus administration. Note: The middle school policy has been revised for 2012-13.

High students (9-12) may use their devices during passing periods and lunchtimes unless they have violated this policy and lost the privilege as a disciplinary measure.

District employees may confiscate any electronic communication device if it clearly is not being used as an educational device in the classroom. If an electronic communication device is confiscated it shall be handed over to the campus administration no later than the end of the teacher’s workday.

Parents shall be notified within two school days after the electronic communication device is confiscated with an explanation for the confiscation. The electronic device may be returned to either the parent or the student.

Students who violate this policy shall be subject to the disciplinary measures outlined in the Code of Conduct.

BISD Traffic Information


With the expansion of 820, we have all experienced the challenges caused by the construction. With the addition of school buses and parent and student traffic around our schools, this will only be magnified.

The district has been working with our cities on plans to best handle traffic flow around our campuses. To help, we are asking parents and students who drive to and from school to:

  • Adjust your schedules. Make sure you account for additional traffic so you arrive at school on time.
  • Be patient with other drivers. We are all dealing with the same construction challenges.
  • Be flexible. If there are alternate routes available, consider using them. However, if you do, be respectful in the neighborhoods that now have to adjust to increased traffic.
  • Drive carefully. Observe all school zones and remember to put down that cell phone when driving in a school zone. A child’s life is more important than that call or text.
After school begins, BISD will continue to monitor traffic around our campuses. If adjustments need to be made, notifications will be made by phone, on the campus and district website, facebook and twitter.

2012 Summer Camps


Athletics Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Summer Strength and Conditioning
    June 11 – July 25

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Summer Strength and Conditioning
    June 25 – August 3

> View Flier


Baseball/Softball Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Softball Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier

  • Richland Rebels Baseball Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier


Basketball Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Girls Basketball Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier

  • Birdville High School Boys Basketball Camp
    June 11-14

> View Flier

  • Haltom High School “Little Buffs” Basketball Camp
    May 29 and May 31

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Runnin’ Rebels Boys Basketball Camp
    June 11-14

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Girls Basketball Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier


Football Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Youth Football Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier

  • Birdville High School Freshman Football Camp
    July 30 – August 2

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Rebels Football Camp
    May 29 – 31

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Freshman Football Camp
    August 6-9

> View Flier


Soccer Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Soccer Camp
    May 28 – 31

> View Flier


Tennis Summer Camp

  • Richland High School Tennis Camp
    June 11-14, June 18-21 or June 16-19 (advanced)
    > View Flier


Volleyball Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Volleyball Camp
    May 29-31

> View Flier

  • Richland High School Volleyball Camp
    June 4-7

> View Flier


Fine Arts Summer Camp

  • Birdville High School Art Camp
    June 11-14

> View Flier

  • Hatlom High School Theatre Camp
    May 29-31

> View Flier


If the camp you are looking for is not listed above, please visit your campus website.