NTE presents $20,000 to Birdville

NTE presents $20,000 to Birdville

To date, NTE Mobility Partners has given more than $60,000 in STEM grants to Birdville Education Foundation. The STEM funding has touched several elementary, middle and high schools district-wide. This year, the $20,000 STEM funding has already been awarded to 11 different teacher grant proposals.

Birdville Foundation Supports Innovative Teacher Grants


Each year, the Birdville Education Foundation supports innovative teacher grants. Last spring, Deanna Rollett Gauby, a sixth- and seventh-grade science teacher at North Ridge Middle School received a grant for dissection equipment and frogs to dissect. Gauby recently wrote, “My seventh-grade classes recently completed the frog dissection, and it was a hit! I know that my students learned more from that one lab than they had from the weeks that we spent teaching the different body systems. It was a true “ah-ha” moment for most of my students, and it gave them an unprecedented insight into the human body system. I believe it took the material that we worked on and connected it to a real understanding. Thank you to the Foundation for making their learning come alive and investing in the future of our students.

To date, the Foundation has given over $1,474,195 in teacher grants since 2001.To learn more about the Foundation, click here.

Birdville Education Foundation Funds New Makerspace at West Birdville

West Birdville Makerspace Picture

The Birdville Education Foundation’s innovative teacher grant program recently awarded a grant to West Birdville Elementary to begin a Makerspace in their library. Kathy Grupe, West Birdville’s library media specialist, said, “All the students are enjoying the items in our Makerspace. All our items are used on a daily basis in the classroom or in the library.”

Click here to view West Birdville Maker Space Pictures

Stowe Elementary Receives STEM-Related Grant

On Thursday, March 30, NTE Mobility Partners (NTEMP) presented their first STEM-related grant check for $3,618.37 to teachers from Stowe Elementary for their LEGO Robotics program at the annual Tribute to Leadership event. This grant is part of the $40,000 that NTEMP awarded to the Birdville Education Foundation for STEM-related education programs. This is the first of many grant presentations that will follow in the spring.