On November 8, 2022, voters approved $300.8 million in bonds to be used for safety and security/renovations/repairs/rebuilds/buses, and technology.
Propositions A and B were approved and include:
- Proposition A: Safety and Security/Renovations/Repairs/Rebuilds/Buses
- Rebuild Mullendore Elementary
- Build New Partner School (Smith/Francisco)
- Renovations at Denton Hwy. property
- Haltom High Cafeteria expansion
- Repairs/Upgrades
- Buses
- Press Boxes at all three high school football, baseball and softball fields
- Artificial Turf at all three high school baseball and softball fields
- Proposition B: Technology
- Maintain replacement cycles for student/staff devices
- Maintain replacement cycles for student/staff devices
With all precincts reporting, 40,545 total voters cast their votes in BISD’s bond election.
- Proposition A had 21,824 votes For and 18,721 votes Against;
- Proposition B had 21,567 votes For and 18,813 votes Against; and
- Proposition C had 19,062 votes For and 21,205 votes Against.
“I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the more than 50 community members that spent countless hours developing the bond proposal presented to voters in November,” Superintendent Dr. Gayle Stinson said. “In addition, thank you to the Birdville Backers, the board of trustees, BISD staff, and community supporters for your commitment to educating BISD families about the needs across the District and how the 2022 bond proposal would address those needs. Thank you all for your support of our children.”
With the passage of these propositions, the board of trustees has put into place plans for a citizen’s Bond Oversight Committee. This Committee will monitor the progress of the work to assure consistency with the propositions approved by voters. At least four times a year, the Committee will report on the progress to trustees. In addition to the report to trustees, quarterly reports will be available for review on the District’s website.

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