2023-24 Back to School Information Coming Soon!

Dr. Stinson Reading

Dear Birdville ISD Community, 

We hope this letter finds you and your families well rested, rejuvenated, and filled with cherished memories from your summer adventures. As the summer days pass by and we eagerly approach the start of a new school year, we wanted to reach out to you to express our enthusiasm for what lies ahead.  

We are excited to start the 2023–24 school year. Over the next several weeks, we will send you essential back-to-school information. In addition, the District has created a website called “You are Here” as the hub of information for families preparing for school. It includes details about supplies, transportation, lunches, start and end times, dress code, and more. We are dedicated to creating an environment where every student thrives academically, socially, and emotionally. “You are Here” is your one-stop shop with easy access to essential information, reducing stress. The website will be regularly updated with news, events, and resources. 

Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. We look forward to a fantastic 2023–24 school year! 

Birdville ISD 

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