Superintendent Message to Staff  | EARLY VOTING Begins Today!

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Thank you for hanging in there with me as I share details about BISD’s 2022 Bond election each week. 

Last week I shared with you about the ballot language and the state-mandated statement required on each proposition. Once again, this is not true for Birdville ISD.  The efficient management of BISD’s existing bond debt over the last ten years has allowed the District to refinance more than $142.2 million of its outstanding bonds at a lower interest rate, saving taxpayers $18.4 million in future interest costs. In addition, the District has also prepaid approximately $29 million of its bonds prior to scheduled maturity, saving an additional  

$20.2 million in future interest payments for taxpayers. This is how the District is able to present the $359.8 million bond plan to voters with no tax rate increase. 

Remember, the District is presenting the bond proposal as a package and asks voters to cast a vote on each of the three propositions

I want to remind you that every vote counts. YOUR vote counts. 

Below is Early Voting and Election Day voting Information. Additional details can be found on the Tarrant County Elections website at Tarrant 

Early Voting Dates and Times
Oct. 24–28:  8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
Oct. 29: 7 a.m. –7 p.m. 
Oct. 30: 10 a.m. -– 4 p.m. 
Oct. 31 – Nov. 4: 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. 

Locations within the BISD Community 
Haltom City Senior Center 
3201 Friendly Lane 
Haltom City, 76117 

Northeast Courthouse 
645 Grapevine Hwy.  
Hurst, 76054  

Tarrant County Northeast Campus 
Galley NSTU 1506  
828 W. Harwood Road  
Hurst, 76054  

Former Bursey Road Senior Adult Center 
7301 Bursey Road 
N. Richland Hills, 76182 

Saint Paul Presbyterian Church 
4517 Rufe Snow Drive 
N. Richland Hills, 76180 

Election Day 
Tuesday, Nov. 8 from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. 
(Tarrant County allows early and election day voting at any location within the county.) 

Next week, we recap the 2022 Bond proposal. 

Birdville High School JROTC Hawk Battalion Grand Champion Team

Congratulations to the Birdville High School JROTC Hawk Battalion Grand Champion Team which competed at the Top of Texas Military Skills Meet in Wichita Falls. This is the first time in Birdville High School’s 20-year history to be Grand Champions. 

Academic Team (L to R): 

Cadet Captain Anderson Spisak 

Cadet Major Thomas Vaughn 

Cadet Lieutenant Morgan Doyle 

Cadet Captain Peyton Wright 

COED Color Guard (L to R): 

Cadet Sergeant Hayden Allen 

Cadet Captain Shenouda Youssef 

Cadet Sergeant Grayson Hackney 

Cadet Corporal Chinenye Onoh 

Female Color Guard (L to R): 

Cadet Captain Madison Boyle 

Cadet Command Sergeant Major Nataly Reyes 

Cadet Corporal Jennifer De La Cruz 

Cadet Captain Livia Kasjanowicz 

Male Color Guard (L to R): 

Cadet Sergeant Evan Clark 

Cadet First Sergeant Andrew Davila 

Cadet Captain Anderson Spisak 

Cadet Major Thomas Vaughn 

Female Physical Fitness Team (L to R): 

Cadet Command Sergeant Major Nataly Reyes (1st Place Standing Long Jump, 2nd Place Overall Individual) 

Cadet First Sergeant Autumn Previe (3rd Place Overall Individual, 2nd Place Shuttle Run) 

Cadet Captain Peyton Wright 

Cadet Captain Livia Kasjanowicz (3rd Place Bent Arm Hang) 

Male Physical Fitness Team (L to R): 

Cadet First Sergeant Andrew Davila 

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Doyle 

Cadet Captain Joseph Ray (2nd Place Pullups) 

Cadet Major James Anderson (2nd Overall Individual, 2nd Place Shuttle Run) 

Unarmed Drill Team (L to R): 

Front Row 

Cadet Captain Livia Kasjanowicz 

Cadet Captain Peyton Wright (Commander) 

Cadet First Sergeant Autumn Previe 

Cadet Private Andrew Kozlowski 

Back Row: 

Cadet Captain Madison Boyle 

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Doyle 

Cadet Corporal Jovanna Gonzalez 

Cadet Private Tatiana Barnett 

Cadet Private Yasbet Tamayo-Soto 

Cadet Private Emmerson Hickey 

Cadet Private Angie Lara Gonzales 

BHS JROTC Top of Texas Drill Meet Grand Champions 

Front Row: 

Cadet Major James Anderson 

Cadet Captain Peyton Wright 

Cadet Captain Shenouda Youssef 

Cadet Major Thomas Vaughn 

Cadet Sergeant Grayson Hackney 

Cadet Corporal Chinenye Onoh 

Second Row: 

Captain George Jons, Senior Army Instructor 

Cadet Corporal Jennifer De La Cruz 

Cadet First Sergeant Autumn Previe 

Cadet Corporal Jovanna Gonzalez 

Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Morgan Doyle 

Cadet Captain Joseph Ray 

Cadet First Sergeant Andrew Davila 

Cadet Captain Anderson Spisak 

Cadet Private Demertria Anderson 

Back Row: 

Cadet Private Angie Lara Gonzales 

Cadet Private Andrew Kozlowski 

Cadet Private Tatiana Barnett 

Cadet Captain Madison Boyle 

Cadet Sergeant Grayson Hackney 

Cadet Private Analia Newsome 

Cadet Private Yasbet Tamayo-Soto 

Cadet Private Emmanuel Cuellar 

Cadet Sergeant Hayden Allen 

Cadet Sergeant Evan Clark 

Command Sergeant Major Richard Barrett, Army Instructor 

Superintendent Message | Ballot Language 

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For the past five weeks, I have been sharing details about the Birdville ISD Bond proposal before voters on Nov. 8. This week I want to address the ballot language. 

In all of the District’s messaging, BISD continues to remind staff, parents and the community that the bond referendum before voters in November will not increase the property tax rate for homeowners or businesses. This is an important message to understand because of a new state law that requires all school bond propositions on the ballot to include ballot language that reads “THIS IS A TAX INCREASE.” This statement is required by the state even though it is not true for BISD. 

Since 2019, BISD’s overall tax rate has decreased 17.4 cents. This includes the overall tax rate going down another 5.82 cents for 2022–23.  

On the ballots for voters living within BISD boundary lines, voters will see the following ballot language for each proposition: 

Despite the mandated language and how it is listed on each proposition, if the bond passes on November 8, it will not result in an increase in the property tax rate for Birdville ISD. 

The District is presenting the bond proposal as a package and asks voters to cast a vote on each of the three propositions

Attention Parents/Students: Nine, Not Six 

Important Information

Beginning with the 2022–23 school year, BISD is moving to a nine-week grading period. This gives students more time to master subjects, better aligns BISD with neighboring districts, and more than 84% of our teachers support the change. The grading periods for 2022–23 are: 

  • Aug. 17 – Oct. 14 
  • Oct. 17 – Dec. 16 
  • Jan. 2 – March 10 (10 weeks in the session) 
  • March 21 – May 25 (10 weeks in this session) 

View the 2022–23 Calendar 



BISD’s Business, Fine Arts and Athletics departments are hosting a booster club information and training session on Wednesday, Sept. 14 from 5–6 p.m. in the Richland High School Omni Room. If you are a booster club or PTA/PTSA (elementary/secondary) president or treasurer, or are thinking about starting a booster club, the District strongly recommends you attend this meeting.